If you've never tried a Smoothie in a wine glass you are missing out. It's the perfect amount for a quick morning breakfast, or a perfect snack right after your sweat sesh.
Today I'm making a Chocolate Strawberry smoothie! You will feel like you're drinking a dipped strawberry in a glass.
Now let's talk about why you need Strawberries in your diet.
They’re an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese and also contain decent amounts of folate (vitamin B9) and potassium.
Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plant compounds, which may have benefits for heart health and blood sugar control
Fiber comprises around 26% of the carb content of strawberries
Just one serving -- about 8t strawberries -- provides more vitamin C than an orange.
They naturally deliver vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols
*Sourced from www.healthline.com and webmd.com

First you want to start with protein! I love Vegan and dairy free proteins, they are easy on my stomach and digest easily. The one I've been using lately is the
Orgain Chocolate Protein Powder. It's 21 grams of protein per 2 scoops which is one serving. I recommend you eat 20-30 grams of protein at each meal including snacks so this really helps you hit your protein goals of the day. Plus smoothies are quick and sooo yummy!
Second you'll need frozen strawberries and a frozen banana. I like to meal prep my bananas when I get them from the store. I just place them in Zip lock bags cut in half until I'm ready. This makes morning so much easier and you don't have to use a lot of ice in your smoothie.
Third you'll need Coconut water and Almond Milk. I love using Goya Coconut Water to keep you well hydrated and probably my favorite Almond Milk is Califia Farms which is sold at most grocers now. I can even find it at Aldis!

Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie
2 Scoops Chocolate Orgain Protein
1/2 Frozen Medium Banana
1/2 Cup Frozen Strawberries
2 oz of Coconut Water
6 oz of Almond Milk
**Blend Well in blender
Now go kick butt and try out one of my free 10min. workouts on YouTube and come back and make the smoothie and let me know what you want to see next!
Let's be besties! Be the first to know when I post a free YouTube workout, a super yummy recipe, or tips on your fitness journey!⤵️